Coinciding with good zakar yesterday, the Office of the Bhutan Qualifications and Professionals Certification Authority (BQPCA) has been launched yesterday at the Namgaychoeling Campus, Chang Gidaphu, Thimphu.
Mr. Duba, having been appointed as the Director of BQPCA vide RCSC’s Appointment Order No. 2290 of 30th December 2022, took over the charges of the following agencies/divisions/offices on the day of office inauguration:
- Bhutan Medical and Health Council Secretariat from the Executive Committee of the Council;
- Department of Occupational Standards from the MoLHR;
- Quality Assurance and Accreditation Division and regulatory functions of the Higher Education Planning Division from the DAHE, MoE;
In due course of time, the BQPCA will take over the charges of the Bhutan Board for Certified Counselors from RENEW Secretariat and the Engineering Professionals Council will be established as approved by the Government.
The BQPCA shall function as the competent authority for qualification accreditation, professional certification and national qualification framework in the country.