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Medical and health institutes’ data | Bhutan Qualifications and Professionals Certification Authority

BQPCA convened its first General Council meeting on June 4, 2024

Medical and health institutes’ data

Registered institutes and their teaching hospitals

Sl. # Name of Institute Name of Teaching Hospital
1 FNPH(faculty of Nursing and Public Health) JDWNRH(Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital
2 FoPGM(faculty of postgraduate Medicine) JDWNRH(Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital
CRRH(Central Regional Refferal Hospital, Gelephu)
ERRH(Eastern Regional Refferal Hospital, Mongar)
3FoTM(Faculty of Traditional Medicine) National Traditional Medicine Hospital, Thimphu
4 RTC(Royal Thimphu college) CRRH(Central Regional Referral hospital, Gelephu)
RBA(Royal Bhutan Army) Hospital, Lungtenphu, Thimphu
Trashigang Hospital, Trashigang
5 AAHS(Arura Academy of Health Sciences Phuntsholing General Hospital
Samtse District Hospital
6 ABIN(Apollo Bhutan Institute for Nursing) Paro Hospital
Wangdue Hospital
Tsirang Hospital