QMS working group CME Sub-committee with BMHC Secretariat officials Ms. Leesa Leebang Subba Joined BMHC Secretariat as Assistant Program Officer under Educational and Professional Services Mr. Leki Dorji Joined BMHC Secretariat Council as Program Officer under Registration and Licensing Services Registrar and Deputy Registrar awarding Registration Certificate to Dr. Sonam Jamtsho, Neurosurgeon Registrar with health professionals who pursued Diploma in EMR and Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery Deputy Registrar, Registration and LIcensing Services with health professionals who graduated from Arura Institute of Health Scineces with Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery Registrar awarding certificates to health professionals who completed Diploma in EMR Deputy Registrar during certificate award ceremony with health professionals who pursued courses in Diploma in Community Health and Diploma in Radiography Team from JDWNRH, Haa Hospital and BMHC during a workshop for development of competency questions for medical and health professionals at Paro Medical and health professionals reading Code of Professional Fidelity before being issued with Registration Certificate Registrar with health professionals after awarding Registration Certificate Deputy Registrar, Registration and Licensing Services awarding Registration Certificate to the health professional who graduated with Bachelor of Occupational Therapy President, Vice President and Members of General Body during 14th General Body Meeting held on 25th August, 2021 Participants from JDWNRH and BMHC during the workshop on development of Standard of Education for MBBS